Did it cost Nevada $42 million to arrest almost 5,000 people last year for marijuana?

The legalizers are claiming that enforcing Nevada’s marijuana laws cost the state $42 million. The figure is based upon Jeffrey A. Miron’s report: “The Budgetary Implications of Marijuana Prohibition,” June 2005.But who paid for the report?Mr. Miron states:  “The Marijuana Policy Project provided the funding for the research discussed in this report.”The same organization is funding the campaign to legalize marijuana in Nevada.On his website, Mr. Miron labels himself a “Libertarian Economist.” Mr. Miron also authored a paper entitled “Liberal versus Libertarian Views on Drug Legalization.” When explaining whether to legalize marijuana only versus to legalize all drugs, Mr. Miron writes: “For libertarians, the answer is ALL drugs.” (Emphasis added)Mr. Miron arrived at the alleged $42 million spent in Nevada by the following:“It estimates the percentage of arrests in a state for marijuana violations and multiplies this by the budget for police. It estimates the percentage of prosecutions in a state for marijuana violations and multiplies this by the budget for prosecutors and judges. It estimates the percentage of incarcerations in a state for marijuana violations and multiplies this by the budget for prisons.”Mr. Miron’s report was not prepared by facts specific to Nevada but by estimates and assumptions based mostly on national figures that in large part do not accurately reflect Nevada’s marijuana laws, arrests, prosecutions and incarcerations.Based the report being funded by the Marijuana Policy Project, Mr. Miron’s admission to being a Libertarian, the explanation that libertarians are in favor of legalizing all drugs, and that his report is based solely on estimates and assumptions, his ability to conduct an unbiased and factual report regarding the amount of money spent in Nevada to enforce marijuana laws is highly suspect.

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